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A Woman to Watch.

Tips and Tricks on how to turn heads while wearing even the simplest looks. It's time to become a woman to watch!

1. Make sure your clothing fits properly.

Tailored clothing always appears more put together, but that does not mean steer away from the oversized apparel. It merely means make your oversized pieces purposeful.

Left image photographed backstage at Men's Gucci FW015 Show found on WWD.

Right image photographed of Giovanna Battaglia Englebert's STREET STYLE found on

2. The Rule of Three!!!

Create your looks around at least three pieces. Shoes don't count, unfortunatley. Your three pieces could be a pant, blouse, and unconventional bracelet. Your three pieces could be a dress, bag, and hat. Your three pieces could be an oversized blazer, sleek necklace, and daring earring. The rule of three is not limited to just three pieces but the minimum is three. The secret to finding success in this trick is making sure the items are complimentary.

Sometimes even an umbrella can count as your third piece as featured in the left image found on CR Fashion Book.

In the left image found on LYMBRITH, a monochromatic look is a great way to take your three pieces!


How you carry yourself does everything for the look. Confidence can be sensed by others around you and when you emit that into the atmosphere you can become an unstoppable force. Be proud of yourself. Walk boldly into a room and demand it be yours.

Image found on Harper's Bazaar.

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